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Jaguar - 10th August 2023

Release notes from the 10th August 2023 release

The Portal

  • Updated the user creation modal to allow the new user’s country to be set

  • Updated the edit user modal to allow a user’s country to be updated

    • Please note that the above two updates only apply to members of Tristel staff

  • Update Medical Devices to allow more than one Clinical Setting to be assigned to them

  • Fixed a reported bug where Products could be duplicated on the Organisation creation and editing modals

  • Updated the look and feel of the Users table across the whole portal

  • Removed the lag from an organisation being created to it being shown and accessible on the portal

  • Fixed some small UI alignment issues for languages that are generally longer than English

  • Introduced a link to the End User License Agreement page through the portal Help page

The App

  • Allow users to select which Clinical Setting they are in when decontaminating a Medical Device, if the Medical Device has more than one assigned to it

  • Introduced the link to the End User License Agreement on the app login page

  • The iPhone has been completed and is pending approval from Apple for live release

The Back End

  • Fixed the issue where Sales Reps outside of the UK were unable to use the portal without a ‘work around’ given by the 3T Team

  • Updated the GetUsers endpoint to prevent lagging and timeout when users are logged in to the portal to browse users at any level

  • Created a new endpoint for getting details of a single user, to be used throughout the portal

  • Updated user Staff ID to allow them to be changed

    • Please note that Staff ID must be unique within a parent organisation

  • Allow users to have their country assigned to them

    • This now allows Sales Reps to be created in any country currently available in 3T

  • Fixed an issue where portal users could be randomly logged out when navigating

  • Made some updates to allow new data regions to be added more quickly

  • Allow cycle duration to be ‘null’ to allow for cycles to be migrated from v1 of 3T

  • Found and fixed issues with the following roles

    • Sales Rep

    • Country Sales Admin

    • Regional Sales Admin

    • Regional Admin

  • Allow users to be archived correctly, and shown in the portal where expected

  • Fixed an issue where Org Codes were not being accepted

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