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Iguana - 12th July 2023

Release notes from the 12th July 2023 release

The Portal

  • Following feedback from customers and sales teams, and with the release of the iPhone app coming soon, we have updated the Clean Slate process to give users a better experience

    • When reaching the Handset section of the Clean Slate process, the user will need to select whether they need to down the iPhone app, the Android app or whether they have already downloaded the app

    • Please note that the QR code for the iPhone app will take the user to a web address that won’t exist until the app is released

  • Added ten seconds as an applicable countdown timer duration

  • Fixed a reported issue where linking products together caused an error

  • Updated the user creation modal at My Organisations level to allow Sales Reps to create multi-organisation hybrid users

  • Updated the organisation creation modal at regional level to ensure organisations can only be created in the same data region as the organisation’s parent

  • Updated the list of Manufacturer and Medical Device Types

  • Set alphabetical ordering on all Manufacturer and Medical Device Type dropdown menus

The Back End

  • An organisation’s country is now stored at organisation level, rather than parent organisation level – this will allow organisations in different countries to be assigned to the same parent organisation

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