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Go to 3T

Hedgehog - 8th June 2023

Release notes from the 8th June 2023 release

The Portal

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to give more than one user the same email address

  • Prevented a crashing issue if a user’s browser was set to locale and language combination that isn’t supported by the portal

  • Implemented a fix within the clean slate process where the portal would not recognise that a new disinfection log had been recorded

  • Implemented a fix within the clean slate process where the modal for voiding a log would appear, and couldn’t be closed, if the user took an extended time to finish their first disinfection cycle

  • Introduced multi-org hybrid, portal and app user functionality

  • Fixed a small issue where the step count on the create and edit product system form was incorrect

  • Removed image upload function for medical devices

The App (Version 1.19.14)

  • Improved the UI for particularly long words used as headers or sub-headers

  • Prevented the app scanner from crashing when the user scans a QR code instead of a matrix code in the product scanning process

  • Introduced a new app screen to show which type of code should be scanned, in case of confusion on the user’s part

  • Introduced an additional step for users in Canada to confirm they have checked the expiry date on Duo – CAN

  • Fixed a reported issue where the app would endlessly load when being opened

  • Fixed a reported issue where changing a single Tristel product from a saved set caused products to be shown in the portal in the wrong order

The Back End

  • Fixed a reported issue where multi-org users would be duplicated in the portal for each organisation they have access to

  • Emails sent from 3T to Outlook desktop apps will not longer have an incorrectly rendered header image

  • Fixed reported issues around parent orgs, clinical settings, medical devices and custom systems as a Country Sales Admin

  • Fixed reported issues around organisation product systems, organisation creation and archiving users as a Regional Admin

  • Fixed a reported issue where updates to PINs prevent users from being to log in to the app

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