The Portal
The Staff ID size has been upgraded from a 10-character limit to a 100-character limit to consider longer staff IDs of organisations like the NHS (National Health Service)
The portal now successfully allows PIN changes for all app users
The portal will now show an error message if an org admin tries to remove a product from an organisation when it is assigned to one of that organisation’s product systems
Prevented an error when text is added to, and subsequently removed from, the update password page
Fixed a reported issue where global admins were unable to update translations
Moved the clinical settings menu item higher up the list to reflect how early it is needed when setting up a new organisation
Allow org admins to filter the disinfection log list view by operator name
Added functionality to allow global admins to view, create and edit parent organisations at regional and country level
The App
Prevented a caching issue where the app would remember medical devices from other organisations when switching between them
Fixed the resulting issue where the app would be stuck in a loading screen after the user completed a disinfection cycle for a medical device belonging to another organisation
Fixed an issue that prevented the login button from being clickable
Reintroduced functionality to allow app users to select their preferred language
Introduced functionality for the app to use the handset’s region and language settings to display the user’s local language prior to login
Prevented frequent errors when a disinfection cycle is edited prior to be uploaded to 3T
Made the countdown clearer and instructions less visible when a timed instruction has begun
Fixed a reported issue where the destination of a device couldn’t be edited on the final review page of a disinfection cycle