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Lemur - 27th September 2023

Release notes from the 27th September portal and 2.0.12 App release.

The Portal 

  • Fixed an issue where the final step of the Clean Slate process wasn’t showing for any users 

  • Users will now have access to the Handset Clean Slate pages even after the Clean Slate process has been completed 

  • A new button will be visible on the Handset page – “+ Add a Handset” 

  • Pushing this button will show the full set of pop-ups the user would have seen on initial set up, including the QR code for downloading the app, the QR code for the currently selected organisation, and the instructions to go with it 

  • Gleap has been implemented in the portal 

  • Full Gleap release notes will be circulated separately 

  • Individual translation keys can now be updated 

  • When creating an organisation, the Salesforce ID must be supplied 

  • Any user that can create an organisation can supply a Salesforce ID 

  • Only Global Admins can edit the Salesforce ID of an organisation 

  • Implemented some changes to improve the speed of the portal 

  • Added a UI change to the scope selector, so a user’s sales region and country are always the first in the dropdown menu 

The App 

  • Replaced the ability to go back a page during a decontamination cycle with the ability to abandon the cycle and start again 

  • Going back part-way through a cycle was causing scanning issues that often required the cycle to be abandoned 

  • We have added in safeguards to prevent users from seeing 1025 errors on the scanner of the app 

  • These errors were caused by users using ‘back’ functionality to return to pages where scanners were automatically activated 

  • Users can either no longer go ‘back’ to scanners, or must use the ‘tap to activate’ function to activate them 

  • When logging in to the app, the default keyboard when typing in a PIN has been updated to a numerical keyboard 

  • Added hardcoded values to matrix code database to allow specific irregular codes to be scanned by the app 


Back End 

  • Updated fonts in emails sent by 3T to ensure they are all consistent 

  • Fixed a bug where changing the Staff ID of a Sales Rep resulted in that Sales Rep no longer being assigned to an organisation 

  • Salesforce ID is now a mandatory data piece for all organisations 

  • Completed data migrations for four organisations 

  • Data migrations into our test environments are continuing so we can be prepared for live migration requests from customers 

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