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Narwhal - 2nd November 2023

Release notes from the 2nd November App version 1.25.7

The Portal

  • Updated the Medical Devices modal to allow more than one Product System to be assigned to the Medical Device

    • Only Standard Product Systems that are assigned to the Organisation by their administrator, or Custom Product Systems created in the Organisation can be selected for use on a Medical Device

  • Updated Product System creation pages to set whether it needs to record an external completion code

  • For decontamination cycles completed with an external completion code recorded, the portal will now show the code

    • This will be used for recording the Stella validation code for Stella decontamination cycles

  • On the Organisations tab at country level and above, the assigned Tristel products have been removed from the table

  • On the Organisations tab at country level and above, users are now able to see the Parent Organisation the Organisation belongs to

    • Parent Organisation is now a filterable field, allowing for a quick view of all Organisations within a trust or group

  • When viewing the Parent Organisations tab, users are now able to click a single button to see all children of the selected parent

    • The user is taken to the Organisations tab with the relevant filtering automatically applied, when clicking this button

The App (version 1.25.7)

  • When starting a decontamination cycle for a Medical Device with more than one Product System assigned to it, the user is now able to select which Product System they are going to use

  • When completing a decontamination cycle for a Medical Device where an external completion code is required, the user is now able to scan the relevant matrix code, or manually enter it

    • When manually entering the code, the user will be forced to input it AAAA-NN format

  • Added external completion codes when viewing completed logs in the app, if there is one

  • If there is no completion code for the cycle, this field will not be shown

  • Fixed a reported issue where updates to English phrases were not always picked up and shown in the app

  • The app now shows the Tag of the chosen Medical Device on the review section prior to starting a decontamination cycle

    • The information will show after the Tristel products have been scanned, but before the physical decontamination of the Medical Device takes place

  • When viewing logs in the app, the cycle code now shows beneath the QR code

Back End

  • Large scale changes to the back end to allow multiple Product Systems to be applied to Medical Devices

  • Allowed for storage of completion codes for Stella systems

  • Fixed a reported issue where some Medical Devices could not have their Medical Device Type changed from ‘Other’

  • Added alphabetical ordering to Medical Device lists


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