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Updating to the latest patch on the app

Instructions of how to update to the latest patch version of the app

3T now utilises patches to allow us to make quick fixes to the app without the requirement of installing a new version of the app.

To check your patch version, go to MORE > App Details on your app. This will show you the app version number followed by a number in Brackets. The number in brackets is the patch number for this app version.

For example: 1.29.0 (12)

If you check this and you are not running the latest patch version, or if you want to make sure you are, please do the following:

  • Confirm that the handset is connected to Wifi. (Run an internet speed test on Google if you aren't sure. Google will tell you if there is a poor internet connection.)

  • Open the app, and have it open for a couple of minutes. Run a cycle or review recent logs if you can to pass the time. (This will give the app time to download the patch in the background)

  • Close the app:

    • iOS: From the Home Screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause in the middle of the screen.

      • Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close.

      • Swipe up on the app's preview to close the app. 

    • Android: Tap on the recent apps button. (This is the icon with 3 lines at the bottom left or right of the screen)

      • Swipe up to close individual apps or tap the Close all button to close all background apps.

  • Reopen the app.

  • Go to the 'MORE' tab and check the app version has a patch number as seen in the example above.

If you have any questions, Please use the widget in the portal or app to reach out to us through Live chat, or email us at

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