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Disinfection Log

Description of what is captured within a disinfection log

The disinfection log presents you with a list view of all completed disinfection cycles in the selected organisation.

1. Within the 3T portal, select Disinfection Log in the navigation menu.

The information displayed in this table:


The date the cycle was completed.

Device Type

Device type of the medical device, as set in Medical Devices.

Serial Number

Serial number of the medical device, as set in Medical Devices.


The first and last name of the user who performed the disinfection cycle.

Clinical Setting

Where the disinfection cycle took place, as set in Medical Devices.

Product System

The product system that was used to disinfect the medical device.

Cycle Code

A unique code which is linked to the disinfection cycle.


The destination for the medical device as set at the end of the disinfection cycle.

P = Patient ID Known

R = Patient Ready

S = Storage


Sort data

Like other pages on the web portal, the Disinfection Log page offers several ways to sort through data.

By default, logs will be shown for the last 7 days. You can change this by clicking on the Last 7 days box. Select one of the presets to view data from the desired range, alternatively select Custom range... where you can select the from and to dates that you want to search between.

Records can be searched for using the search bar.

Data can be filtered by clicking the Filter button, you can filter by Device Type, Serial Number, Operator or Clinical Setting.

The information in this table can also be exported as a CSV by selecting Export.


Viewing a specific log

1. In the table row corresponding to the log you wish to view, click the View entry button.

Additional information displayed when viewing a specific log:


Presented with the date, the time the cycle was completed. Formatted in 24-hour, with time zone included.

Device Tag

The friendly name to identify the medical device, as set in Medical Devices.


The length of time it took to complete the disinfection cycle (in seconds).

Product System

Lists the products used to disinfect the medical device with GTIN, LOT and expiry numbers.

Device Type Image

The image is based on the medical device type, as set in Medical Devices. The medical device type image cannot be changed.


The page can be printed by clicking Print.

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