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Merge Users

This article guides you through the process of merging an unverified user with another in the organisation.

Following the release of training in 3T and the large amount of data that was migrated from the old training portal, we expect there to be some users who have signed up to 3T with multiple accounts. For this reason, we have created a new feature to allow unverified users to be merged into existing verified users, or, into other unverified users (verifying them in the process).

This is an optional extra step in the verification process.

Please note that it is not yet possible to merge two verified users together, so please ensure that you're merging any duplicate accounts prior to verifying them in 3T.

Please see the steps to complete a user merge below:

This action cannot be undone. Once you have merged users together, they are merged permanently.

Log in to the 3T web Portal as an admin user.

Go to the ‘Users’ tab.

Click on the new "Edit / Merge User" button for the relevant user from your list of unverified users. This is displayed as an (!) icon.

Be sure to choose the user who needs to be changed, not the correct one.

The portal will prompt you to edit the user's email address; enter the correct email address that matches the user in which you want to merge.

If the email address you've added to this page matches another user, you'll be able to compare their details on the following page. Here, you can select which details you'd like to keep from each user.

Should one of the users not have a Staff ID, you must use the Staff ID of the user who does have one. If neither user has a Staff ID, 3T will create one for them on verification.

If any of their details match, the portal will automatically select both options. Other than this, you can mix and match which details you'd like your merged user to have, then move on to the final stage.

If you're merging two unverified users together, you'll be able to choose whether they should be verified as a Team Member or an Admin.

If you're merging an unverified user into a verified user, you'll be shown what user type the verified user is - Team Member or Admin.

This action cannot be undone. Once you have merged users together, they are merged permanently. So please ensure you are certain on who you are merging before completing it.

Once this process is complete, your users will be merged and all their training records will be combined.

If you've merged two unverified users together, they will receive their sign up email the moment you complete the merger.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support through the (?) on the portal and the app or email us at

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